What Next?

Fife Council took the opportunity at the gala day events at Crossford, Cairneyhill and Dunfermline during June 2023 to seek public opinion upon the three routes shown below.  The results of that survey and the form on this website were as follows:-

  • Option 1 - 506 (The shortest and most direct route linked to `The Glen` by a bridge or a Toucan crossing)
  • Option 2 - 81 (The route South to Milton Green)
  • Option 3 - 24 (The route via Knockhouse Farm)

Note: Option 1 was proposed by Crossford Community Council in an effort to reduce the cost of the project compared to previous proposals and to meet modern criteria for accessibility.  Options 2 & 3 were suggested by the landowner during previous discussions between the landowner and Fife Council and Option 3 is favoured by the tenant farmer.

The consultants working on behalf of Fife Council approached the landowner to discuss these routes and were advised by him that Options 1 & 2 are not acceptable.   Option 3 has been discounted by the consultants as it scores very poorly against the criteria set down by Transport Scotland.

The landowner has now suggested that a route alongside the A994 might be acceptable.   While Crossford Community Council supports this alternative in principle, it has been explored in the past and rejected by Fife Council on grounds of cost and difficulty.   Such a route would also take away much more land from the farm than Option 1.  However, the landowner’s suggestion must be properly explored, therefore Fife Council will now consider instructing their consultants to examine a route alongside the A994. Once that is done, Fife Council with begin negotiations with the landowner.

The good news is that Places for Everyone (Sustrans) Stage 1 was signed off in February 2023 and Stage 2 is expected to be signed off by April or May 2023.

The Three Route Options as at 18th May 2023.

Option 1 Connectivity through Pittencrieff Park:

Connectivity to the National Cycle Network routes NCN76 & NCN764: